I'm Joe Mercuri, E Mortgage Capital Division Manager, and I'm delighted to help you obtain the perfect home loan for you.

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Joe Mercuri

Division Manager

NMLS #1507218

More About Joe Mercuri

States Licensed In: Alabama, California, Florida, Texas, U.S

Supervisor: HQ

I have been grateful to join E-Mortgage in 2022 which has allowed me to provide my clients a quick low-rate option for their home financing needs. The opportunity that E-Mortgage provides myself and my team is a streamlined process with unlimited loan options. I specialize in the complex finance deals and creating a clean submission structure for either current or new homeowners. I started my career in mortgage 8 years ago and trained under a top 20 mortgage professional, through his mentorship ...

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Joe Mercuri

Joe Mercuri

Division Manager

, California, U.S.

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